Now, I'm sure after all that explaining if you didn't get it before hand I've probably killed the joke by now, and the rest of you are smiling and nodding your heads in agreement. Una vez, el Can de Ikana tuvo una poderosa civilizacin, construida con muchas guerras feroces hace mucho tiempo, aunque cuando Link lo visita, ser un desierto en el que habitan muertos. Este sitio es una seccin de la regin Ikana en Trmina. If you get spotted by her you have to wait for what feels like forever while she hides in her house until she decides you're gone and comes out again. OoT MM 'Its an Iron Knuckle stay away from its axe, and wait for a chance to retaliate' Miniature sculpted by B Team Minis. El Can de Ikana (,, Ikna Keikoku, Ikana Canyon en ingls) es un lugar de The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. With that being said, this comic takes place at the music box house in Ikana Valley where you have to sneek into the house while the little girl that lives in it walks around the valley. In fact, one such individual becomes enthralled by the unexplainable undead that (un)live in Ikana Valley: the man who lives in the Music Box House. But they are hotspots for those with a curious mind. It's a lot like the "None of your Buisness Cloaking Device" from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or those keys that The Doctor hands to people to make them essentially invisible in Doctor Who (Particularly the episode where The Master takes over the world). Termina is filled with unusual landmarks and creatures that your average traveler would avoid like the plague.

Ikana valley music how to#
How To Find: Learn the Song of Storms in the cave in Ikana Valley and. To cross the valley of Ikana, aim at the river beasts with the arrowhead that. (as the game puts it, you are "as interesting as a stone"). Learn Song Of Healing - Zelda Majoras Mask Violin - StringClub Majora How do you. Head past the Music Box House in the middle of the area and into the.

The Stone Mask is a mask in Majora's Mask that when you wear it people don't pay attention to you making you essentially invisable to enemies, NPCs, etc.
Ikana valley music series#
Now, I don't expect everyone to understand this comic as its humor is based heavily on in-game scenarios in The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask, so let me give you some background on this series of comics. I wanted to try and post on Mondays, but seeing how scout camp won't allow me to do that Sunday seems like a great alternative. So I couldn't wait any longer, I had to post a comic.

Stone Mask Adventures, first multi-frame comic